To give guiding light to all our children so that they will use their potential to bloom and prosper throughout their life.

The management, staff &students of DePaul public school in collaboration with parent community aim to provide a safe and disciplined learning and environment that promotes the academic, intellectual personal, social and spiritual development of our children. It is also our dream

  • To use technology to improve our education
  • To sensitize environmental concern and evoke a feeling of nationalism
  • To provide career guidance to our children
  • To equip our students to excel in the rapidly changing world scenario
  • To aim at preserving and enhancing the highest standards of academic excellence and mould capable and responsible citizens for the future



1 .The primary objective of DePaul Public school is to impart sound formation to improve Intelligent, Emotional, Social, and Adversity Quotient in the child based on the principals of Christian values
2. The integrated development of all stakeholders imparting child centered education
3. The institution is based on the reverential love for God on the conviction that the helpful presence of the educator is essential for timely correction and guidance
5 . The school is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi  following  NCERT Syllabus having classes from kinder garden to XII ( Science and Commerce stream )